Hi, I'm Wayne!
Hi, I'm Wayne!
Hi, I'm Wayne!
I'm a Design Leader who loves working with great teams to create amazing things.
I'm a Design Leader who loves working with great teams to create amazing things.
I'm a Design Leader who loves working with great teams to create amazing things.
I specialize in team leadership, product management, prototyping, and video production.
I specialize in team leadership, product management, prototyping, and video production.
I specialize in team leadership, product management, prototyping, and video production.
I'm a former Metalab Design Lead with experience in startups, enterprise, and a variety of verticals. I thrive on solving weird, ambiguous problems.
I'm a former Metalab Design Lead with experience in startups, enterprise, and a variety of verticals. I thrive on solving weird, ambiguous problems.
On YouTube
On YouTube
On YouTube
In 2022 I started a YouTube channel. While it started with design tips, it's also an outlet for any explorations and discoveries along the way.
In 2022 I started a YouTube channel. While it started with design tips, it's also an outlet for any explorations and discoveries along the way.